Who is TOGON Trade and Consulting?

Founded by M. Korkut Zağlı on 15.11.2007, TOGON İNŞAAT MİMARLIK PROJE SAN. VE TİC.LTD.ŞTİ. As a result of the mutual confidence in its activities abroad, it focused on import and export issues especially in Africa Countries such as Tanzania, Ghana, Uganda, Malawi, Senegal and Nigeria. This is the brief history of the foundation of TOGON Trade and Consulting.

Our company; both in Turkey, where the contact person as well as abroad, institutions and companies, their products who are the leadres in this area that offers opportunities to do business in the international arena. Business firms in Turkey we did quite well known in their field, is at least 20 years or older with a history, the market share of the products they produce have a right potential. The most important feature of our company, which undertakes a bridge in the commercial activities of domestic and foreign companies, is to have a reliable infrastructure and knowledge.

The African continent is rich in underground and providing natural resources, Turkey and we work countries our success in ensuring our side of things made the mutual exchange of goods on the basis of maximum effort and coordination we have shown in this regard, has won the admiration of the company. We continue our business with the perseverance of our professional experience and we are proud of adding new companies to our reference list every day.

We are grateful and grateful to the companies, founders and managers who do business with us.

M. Korkut Zağlı & İsmet Büyüksayar